It is more than two years that I finally decided to write something here again. I don't know if there anybody still read this blog actually, because the only loyal reader here is my best friend and he already so busy being so diplomatic and fight for national interests. And he just got married with my other best friend, so I assume adulthood consume him as it consume me. I'm also sure that my husband (yes, someone finally marry me, and yup, sometimes I still don't believe I'm committed) knows this blog exists. But anyway it doesn't matter, I don't really write so others can read this, mostly I write because at some moment I don't know what to do in my life.

It happens a lot, that kind of moment. I basically rushing my life for the last 2 years, get a new job with a bit unhealthy working culture, save some money, traveled with my parents, do my bucket list, get married, and now (Insha Allah) I'm gonna be a mother. Everything feels so fast, and I feel like I'm gonna fall sometimes. I'm happy though, and I can't complain even a bit.

Just now, I have a little bit time for my own self and it let me think, pause a bit, and take quizzes. How do I feel now, how do I want to move forward from this, How do I live, and all the questions about the existing of me right now, as it way too different from my last post. I think I always need a time for myself once in a while, because other than I'm an obvious introvert, it gives me time to make peace with myself a bit. Everybody should take their own time just to sit and think or maybe doing nothing not even thinking. Just to be content.

Pausing is not a bad thing, as long as you keep the timing. Just don't worry too much in life. Trust me, I am a high level Worrier, I always find reasons to worry about everything. Just don't worry too much. If your life feels like going nowhere right now, it will be one day. Just don't stop, pause is fine, but keep moving afterwards. Life is good in the end. Just don't be an asshole if you are in top of your career. Don't be a bad Manager or Director at the office. Don't feel too superior, don't be snob, be low key and keep farming. Life is just a while, you really never know where you will ended. Be kind. Be grateful every moment.

And Thank you God, for everything.
