No More Keeping My Feet on The Ground

Have you ever “beg” for love? I mean like literally begging, saying please with teary eyes, or asking help, to someone to stay with you, to look at you, to love you? Beg, after saying how you love that person like there’s nothing in the world matter for you more than that person. Beg, and saying you will do almost everything for that person so you see that one happy.

Then after you helplessly beg, that person says..

“You were worth it, but not that worth now.
You used to be more than everything, but now you are not anymore.
I want you, but only when I need you.
I can stay with you, but only when I still need you.
I love you, but I’m not choosing you.
I want to be with you, but I can not.”

What will you do? Beg some more? Laugh at yourself? Dig your own grave? Cry for a thousand years?
It’s funny how you lose control to what you feel and think. There is no freedom in it. You are forced by something to keep thinking and feeling everything that make you feel like shit. Even if you give yourself up to the God, but still you talk to God about that person. That mean person.

I really wish that never happen to anyone of us. Because no one deserve to ask for love, or relationship. You are worth. No matter how people you love never love you back, we are worth. We have the obligations to take side with ourselves, to trust ourselves, to protect, to love. Because, my dear, you deserve that.

This post is not made as a reminder of Valentine’s day or Love day or whatever day. It is just the right time to waste spend time a moment before I hit the weekend. So happy weekend. Happy loving. Love someone who you love till you bleed, show them that they deserve it. Have nobody? Love yourself. Save your money to travel the world. 

You are loved.
