Whatever It Takes

I keep telling myself

"there still tomorrow"
"maybe today is not the right time"
"wait for the right moment"
"not now not today"
"someday, but not now"

everytime I didn't do what I have to do

everytime I didn't say what I have to say

and everytime I regret I didn't do nor say what I want and what I feel

I never regret for what I said, or what I've done

I never regret everything that made me smile

I just regret for anything that I didn't do

and anything that I didn't say

in the right time

because as far as I learn,

there are no such thing as the right moment

there are just moments

that come and pass,

it's priceless because you can never buy moment

you can never pay regret

so I'll try my best to do my best and to say my best in my time

'cause I'll never know when a moment can be the right moment without an effort to make it right

so I'm gonna make it

and if it failed, I wouldn't trade the pain for what I've learned
